Tali Hatuka
Hadas Zur
Einat Pragier
Yulia Furshik
Coral Hamo Goren
Zvi Weinstein
Resling, 2020
The concept of urban regeneration is not new. It is an evolving concept describing a distinct set of developments in urban planning, and must therefore be understood in the context of global urbanization processes over the last century. The meaning of this concept and its associated actions vary from period to period. Dramatic changes in urban regeneration processes in the current era are related to the general public’s familiarity with the concept as well as their access to related information. Furthermore, the active involvement of the public in urban regeneration processes is a contemporary phenomenon. This trend is also associated with the growing role of private enterprice in urban regeneration. This relationship gives residents and developers the opportunity to be partners in city development. Mapping key trends and concepts in the field of urban regeneration, the main argument in this book is the Israeli space consists of diverse social and political places, and thus generic tools of urban regeneration not only will not succeed, but may also cause social, economic, and political harm. The book suggests further understanding of trends in urban regeneration through the concept of bargaining space; and distinguishes between three prototypes: real estate space, community-space, and place-space. This conceptualization challenges most studies in the field that remain trapped in ideas of negotiation, procedures, and the status of inhabitants in the urban regeneration process. The only way to challenge contemporary discourse on urban regeneration is to re-conceptualize spaces, to understand the social meaning of space, and to promote stratified actions.