September 2020
Editor: Tali Hatuka
(Essays by Roni Bar, Yoav Zilberdik, Hila Lothan, Michael Jacobson, Meirav Batt, Chen Roznek, Carmel Hanany)
Resling, 2020
Planning is a socio-political field of action that deals with regulation and distribution of resources and with the organization of the city. It has far-reaching impact on people’s lives. In its core, it is based on creative thinking frameworks that contribute to the formation of repetitive planning action patterns. These frameworks of thought and action are often crystallized based on partial knowledge, under conditions of uncertainty; It is therefore a field of action where omissions, miscalculations, are inherent. Under these conditions, the reflection about the processes and actions of planning is mandatory. .
What is a planning pattern, how and who does create them? What can we learn from planning patterns about the social institutions that govern us? Is there room to refine common planning patterns, and if so – who can lead this change? These issues are at the center of the book located at the intersection of theory and practice, between knowledge and action. The collection of articles in the book, compiled as studies in the Urban Planning and Design Laboratory, presents the most influential planning patterns for the urban environment in Israel at the beginning of the 21st century.