Custom Categories: Books

Neighbourhoods: Do They Still Matter?

March 2024 Guest Editor: Tali Hatuka Built Environment In its simplest sense, a neighbourhood refers to people living near a particular place or within a specific range, sharing infrastructure and amenities. This does not imply that neighbourhoods are synonymous with communities, but rather, communities in the plural may be found in a neighbourhood. This straightforward, [...]

New Industrial Urbanism: Designing Places for Production

March 2022 Authors: Tali Hatuka and Eran Ben-Joseph Routledge Technological innovation is changing rapidly, and with it our life. Technological innovation is also expected to further change our labor markets, institutions, and production of goods. There are two acute core issues here. First, how to invest in workers and their skills, bringing to bear the [...]

Bargaining Space, Urban Regeneration Processes in the Neoliberal Age

Tali Hatuka Hadas Zur Einat Pragier Yulia Furshik Coral Hamo Goren Zvi Weinstein   Resling, 2020 The concept of urban regeneration is not new. It is an evolving concept describing a distinct set of developments in urban planning, and must therefore be understood in the context of global urbanization processes over the last century. The [...]


October 2018 Guest Editor: Tali Hatuka and Cristina Mattiucci Built Environment Today, cities are redefining their relationships with the natural world, spurring a new dynamic between the built environment, man-made landscapes, and nature. Nature is no longer seen as the antithesis of the city and civilized life, or as something simply to support urban dwellers’ social [...]

Industrial Urbanism: Contemporary Dynamics between Production and City Development

November 2017 Guest Editor: Tali Hatuka Built Environment Since the Industrial Revolution, cities and industry have evolved together: from Manchester, England,  to Rochester, New York, company towns and entire metropolitan regions have grown around factories and expanding industries. Despite this shared past, popular notions of manufacturing tend to highlight industry's negative aspects: pollution, environmental degradation, [...]


December 2017 Authors: Tali Hatuka, Carmel Hanany, Hen Roznek, Michael Jacobson, Yonatan Gat Resling Today, cities are redefining their relationships with the natural world, spurring a new style that will surely alter the dynamic between the city, man-made landscapes, and nature. . Nature is no longer seen as the antithesis of the city and civilized life, [...]

The Design of Protest: Choreographing Political Demonstrations in Public Space

Publication: University of Texas Press: Spring, 2018 Authors: Tali Hatuka Public protests are a vital tool for asserting grievances and creating temporary, yet tangible, communities as the world becomes more democratic and urban in the twenty-first century. While the political and social aspects of protest have been extensively studied, little attention has been paid to [...]


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