
Locust behavior and city topology: A biodynamic approach for assessing urban flows

M. Guershon, R. M. Francos, A. Ayali and T. Hatuka, 2024,  iScience 27(6): 1-13.

“Neighborhood: by Talen, Emily, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019

T. Hatuka and G. Elhanan, 2024,  Planning Theory & Practice: 1-4.

“The Neighbourhood–Health Nexus: Design, Behaviour and Futures

T. Hatuka, G. Elhanan and A. Bloom, 2024,  Built Environment 50(1): 168-184.

“Neighbourhoods: Do They Still Matter? On Our Agency and (Possible) Future Paths

T. Hatuka, Editorial, Neighbourhoods: Do They Still Matter?2024, Built Environment 50(1): 5 – 12.

” Local–Digital Activism: Place, Social media, Body and Violence in Changing Urban Politics

T. Hatuka and H. Zur, 2023, Social Media + Society. April.

“Public space and public rituals: engagement and protest in the digital age

T. Hatuka, 2022,  Urban Studies. May.

“The Political Geometries of Visibility: Ranks of Seeing in the Digital Age

T. Hatuka, 2022,  In A. Brighenti, (Ed.), The New Politics of Visibility: Spaces, Actors, Practices and Technologies. Intellect. pp 17-31.

Choosing a place

T. Hatuka, 2021, In M.Mitrašinovic, & V. Mehta, (Eds.), Public space Reader (190-197) Routledge.

The new Industrial Urbanism

T. Hatuka, 2021, Special issue: Production Urbanism: The Meta-Industrial City, Architectural Design 91/5:14-23.

BE Laissez-faire Public Spaces: Designing Public Spaces for Calm and Stressful Times

T. Hatuka, 2021, Built Environment Journal, 47(3), 392-401.

“Protesting in Times of Social Distances”

T. Hatuka, 2021, Special issue: The Publics, Harvard Design Magazine

“Agonistic conflict as a distinct type of contentious politics: Learning From protests for and against asylum seekers in Israel”

T. Hatuka and Wijler, M. 2021 Built Environment Journal 47(1), 96-118

“The urban digital lifestyle: An analytical framework for placing digital practices in a spatial context and for developing applicable policy”

T. Hatuka and H. Zur, J. A. Mendoze 2020, Cities, Online first

“From smart cities to smart social urbanism: A framework for shaping the socio-technological ecosystems in cities”

T. Hatuka and H. Zur, 2020, Telematics and Informatics, Online first

“Alternating Narratives: The dynamic between, Public Spaces, Protests and Meanings”

T. Hatuka in Danilo Palazzo and Vikas Mehta, Public Space, Routledge, 2020

“Who is the ‘smart’ resident in the digital age? The varied profiles of users and non-users in the contemporary city”

T. Hatuka and H. Zur, 2019, Urban Studies, Vol 57(6); 1260-1283

The Instrumentalization of Landscape in Contemporary Cities

T. Hatuka and C. Mattiucci, 2018, Built Environment JournalVol. 44(3):269-276

The Political Premises of Contemporary Urban Concepts: The Global City, the Sustainable City, the Resilient City, the Creative City, and the Smart City

T. Hatuka, I. Rosen-Zvi, M. Birnhack, E. Toch & H. Zur,  2018,  Planning Theory & Practice, p. 160-179.


Can you turn it off? The spatial and social context of mobile disturbance.

Toch, E., Chassidim, H., & Hatuka, T. 2018, Journal of the ACM , 37(4).

Facing Forward: Trends and Challenges in the Development of Industry in Cities

T. Hatuka, E. Ben Joseph and  S. M. Peterson 2017, Built Environment 43(1):  145 – 155.

The city-region as a hierarchical network: The Spatial configuration of newly built neighborhoods in the Tel Aviv

Hatuka, T. and Bar, R. 2018, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 50(4), 869–894.

Industrial Urbanism: Typologies, Concepts and Prospects

T. Hatuka and E. Ben Joseph 2017,  Built Environment 43(1): 10 – 24.

Industrial Urbanism: Exploring the City–Production Dynamic

T. Hatuka, Editorial, Industrial Urbanism: Exploring the City–Production Dynamic, 2017, Built Environment 43(1): 5 – 9.

Navigating among Housing Approaches: A Search for Convergences between Competing Epistemologies 

T. Hatuka, R. Bar 2017,  Housing, Theory and Society, vol. 34/3, p. 277-296

Being visible in public space: The Normalization of Asymmetrical Visibility

T. Hatuka and E. Toch, 2016,  Urban Studies.

Action’s Design

T. Hatuka, in: K. Fahlenbrach, M. Klimke and J. Scharloth, 2016. Protest Cultures, Berghahn Books.

Public Space

T. Hatuka, in: K. Fahlenbrach, M. Klimke and J. Scharloth (eds.), 2016. Protest Cultures, Berghahn Books.

The challenge of distance in designing civil protest: The case of Resurrection City in Washington Mall and the Occupy Movement in Zuccotti Park

T. Hatuka, 2015, July  Planning Perspectives, p.1-30.

The Emergence of Portable Private-Personal Territory: Smartphones, Social Conduct and Public Spaces

T. Hatuka and E. Toch, E, 2016  Urban Studies,  53 (10), (pp 2192-2208) (Online March 2014).

Human-Biometeorological Conditions and Thermal Perception in a Mediterranean Coastal Park

H. Saaroni, D. Pearlmutter and T. Hatuka. 2014. International Journal of Biometeorology, pp. 1-16.

What do we mean when we say public housing? An interview with Prof. Lawrence Vale

T. Hatuka, 2014. Social security Journal, vol. 94. pp. 81-88 [Hebrew].

Imagination: A Method for Generating Knowledge about Possible Urban Futures

D. Davis and T. Hatuka, 2014. in:  E. A. Silva, P. Healey and N. Harris (Eds.), Research Methods in Planning, Royal Town Planning Institute, pp. 249-282.

Towards the Reasoned City

T. Hatuka. 2014.  in: T. Fenster and O. Shlomo (eds.), Cities of Tomorrow, Hakibutz Hameuchad, pp. 193-201 [Hebrew].

Sustainable Planning of Open Urban Areas in Developing Countries: A Lesson from a Case Study in Tel Aviv, Israel

T. Hatuka and H. Saaroni, 2014. in: W. W. Clark, Global Sustainable Communities Design Handbook, Elsevier publishers, pp. 79-92.

Resilience of Outdoor Spaces in an Era of Climate Change: The Problem of Developing Countries

T. Hatuka and H. Saaroni, 2013. Sustainability, vol. 5, pp. 90-99.

Transformative Terrains: Counter Hegemonic Tactics of Dissent in Israel

T. Hatuka, 2012. Geopolitics, vol. 17(4), pp. 926-951.

The Need for Advocating Regional Human Comfort Design Codes for Public Spaces: A Case Study of a Mediterranean Urban Park

T. Hatuka and H. Saaroni, 2012. Landscape Research, vol. 39(3), pp. 287-304.

Civilian consciousness of the mutable nature of power: Dissent practices along a fragmented border in Israel/ Palestine

T. Hatuka, 2012. Political Geography,  vol. 31(6), pp. 347–357.

Designing Protests in Public Space

T. Hatuka, 2011. Metropolitiques.

The Right to Vision: A New Planning Praxis for Conflict Cities

D. Davis, and  T. Hatuka, 2011. Journal of Planning Education, vol. 31(3), pp. 241-257

Habitats under Contestation

T. Hatuka, 2011. lo Squaderno, vol. 21, pp. 17-19

Transcending the Utopian-Pragmatic Divide in Conflict Cities: Applying Vision and Imagination to Jerusalem’s Future

D. Davis and  T. Hatuka, 2011. in: N. Coleman (ed.), Imaging and Making the World, Reflections on Architecture and Utopia, Ralahine Utopian Studies, pp. 249-282.

The Fragility of Memory and its Remedy through Spatial Practices

T. Hatuka, 2010. in: Fenster, T. and Yacobi, H. (eds.), Remembering, Forgetting and City Builders, Ashgate, pp. 193-200.

Politics and Culture in the Making of a City-Center: The Case of Taksim Square, Istanbul

T. Hatuka and A. Baykan, 2010. Planning Perspectives, vol. 25(1), pp. 49–68.

***Planning Perspectives prize for the best planning history article published in the journal in the last two years***

Urban Absence: Everyday Practices versus Trauma Practices in Rabin Square, Tel Aviv

T. Hatuka, 2009. Journal of Architecture and Planning Research, vol. 26(3), pp. 198-212.

Negotiating Space: Analyzing Jaffa protest’s Form, Intention and Violence, October 27th 1933

T. Hatuka, 2008. Jerusalem Quarterly, vol. 35, pp. 93-106.

The Architecture of Repeated Rituals

T. Hatuka, R. Kallus, 2008. Journal of Architectural Education, vol. 61(4), pp. 85-94.

Walking as Politics

T. Hatuka, 2008.  in: Actions: What You Can Do With the City, Montréal: CCA Publications, pp. 70-77.

After Postmodernism: Readdressing the Role of Utopia in Urban Design and Planning

T. Hatuka and A. D’Hooghe, 2007. Places Jounal, vol. 19(2), pp. 20-27.

The Myth of Informal Place-making: Stitching and Unstitching Urban Space – Atarim Square in Tel Aviv

T. Hatuka and R. Kallus, 2007. Journal of Architecture, vol. 12(2), pp. 147-169.

Mediation between the State, the City, and the Citizens: Architecture along Tel Aviv’s shoreline

T. Hatuka and R. Kallus , 2007. Journal of Architecture and Planning Research, vol. 24(1), pp. 23-41.

Loose Ends: The Role of Architecture in Constructing Urban Borders in Tel Aviv-Jaffa since 1920’s

T. Hatuka and R. Kallus, 2006. Planning Perspective, Vol. 21 (January), pp.23-44.

Borders and Boundaries between Tel Aviv and Jaffa

T. Hatuka, in Fenster, T. and Yacobi, H. (eds.), 2006. in: Israeli City or Cities in Israel? Questions of Identity, Meanings and Power, Hakibutz Hameuchad and Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem, pp. 44-77 [Hebrew].

Urban Design in the Context of Glocalization and Nationalism: Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv

T. Hatuka and L. Forsyth, 2005. Urban Design International, vol. 10, pp. 69-86.

Architecture and Citizenship: the Case of Rabin Square

T. Hatuka, 2005. Jamaa, vol. 13, pp. 41-71 [Hebrew].

In Between: Representing the Urban Environment and the Self

R. Kallus and T. Hatuka, 2005. in: Pousin, F. (ed.), Figures de la Ville et Construction des Savoirs, Paris: CNRS editions, pp. 139-150.

Revision Moments: the Case of Rabin Square

T. Hatuka, 2004. Theory and Criticism, vol. 24, pp. 85-111.

City and Citizenship: The Development of the Tel Aviv Shoreline

T. Hatuka and R. Kallus, 2004. in: Moria-Klein, Y., & Barnir, S. (eds.), Back to the Sea, Tel Aviv: Israeli Pavilion, 9th Architecture Biennale, Venice, pp. 118-131.

Parallel Realities: Hassan Beq Mosque, Tel Aviv 2003

T. Hatuka, 2003. in: Moria, Y. and Barnir, S. (eds.), Public Space, Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv Museum, pp. 68-77 [Hebrew].

Imagined Environments: Between the National and the Everyday

T. Hatuka, and R. Kallus, 2002. Motar, vol. 11, pp. 65-78 [Hebrew].

Between East and West: Thinking about Architectural Culture

R. Kallus and T. Hatuka, 2002. Alpayim, vol. 26, pp. 41-63 [Hebrew].